BeAuTiFuL sTuPiD WoMaN

My blog song nice boh? I stole this song link from Lim Buey Tor's blog. Keke... Eh, I did leave a tag telling him I borrow the link first. Wait till I find the Kelly Poon's version of this song then I return him the link. I steady de hor. Well, the original singer of this song is Coco Lee. Whoever out there who have the version of Kelly Poon singing this song do email me ok? Gam sia ah~ After looking through some of her photos taken by KFC (Not Kentucky Fried Chicken, it's Kelly Fan Club), I had some regrets on cutting my hair. Maybe I could just get myself some streaks of red highlights like Superstar Kelly. It would look so sweet~ Anyway, I have uploaded the lyrics of this Coco Lee's song and some photos of Superstar Kelly. Enjoy~

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Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 2:59 PM on Tuesday, October 04, 2005