GoNg Xi Fa cAi

Xin nian kuai le~~~ Gong xi fa cai~~~ Hong bao yi ge lai~~~ kekeke... Today is the third day of the Lunar New Year and how's everybody's ang bao collection? May all of you collect lots of ang baos and win big big in gambling these few days. Huat ah!!!Now done with the wishes, I shall update you guys what I have been doing since Tuesday. I pia home after work, had a quick dinner and pia to Tampines Mall to meet my friend to collect my new specs. Chat with her for a while then head to my dear dear's house. Below are the photos we took on Tuesday.

My dear dear was packing his bedroom when I reached his house which explains the mess on the floor. I was sitting there waiting for him when he suddenly took out his digicam wanting to take a pic of me. The reason for taking the photo was I look like a whizkid (bcos of my specs)busy inventing something. -_-'''

WhizKid Miko!

We went to Bedok Market for supper after his spring-cleaning and below are the food we ordered. Oiishi~~

On CNY eve after my reunion dinner with my parents, my dear dear came to fetch me from my house. We went to the Chun Dao He Pan to see fireworks. The fireworks damn nice lor. You can practically see everybody's expressions like this O_O (a WOW facial expression). After seeing the fireworks, we went down to Chinatown. As expected, it was very packed. We reached there about 1 plus. There were a lot of people grabbing the 50 cents per bottle chinese new year goodies. Its freaking cheap sial. After squeezing and jostling for about 1 hr plus, we decided to head back home and rest. When we were on our way to get the car, we past by the stage set up on the road. The performance by the TCS stars already over le but they got some dancers on the stage dancing to some hot music. And you all guess what? The last song they played was "The book is on the table." Me and my dear dear looked at each other with a -_- look. We didn't go Devilsbar to countdown for the CNY but we still get to hear this most requested song in Chinatown lor. Really is sweat until no sweat to sweat sial. Below are the photos we took at Chun Dao He Pan.

Me born in the year of Dog.

Dear dear in the year of Snake

As for the first and second day of CNY, I went visiting with my dear dear to his bosses and relatives house. It was fun seeing his colleagues play during the gambling session. All damn gan jiong and excited lor.

As for today, I am back in office lor. Damn sian sial. My dear dear is sleeping like a baby at home before I left for work this morning. So xing fu wor~ Though there isn't much people in the office but I still got work to clear lor. Bei ai plus more bei ai.

Oh ya, before I forget, I will be going to Devilsbar tonight. I even send out mass sms to jio all my devils kakis le. Kekeke... Tonight is the night to party! I have not party for about two weeks le wor. Even my dear dear also can sense my No-Devilsbar sympthoms lor. I asked him what plans he have for tonight, he zitao replied me:" Ya, I know what you are thinking. I can see the horns growing out from your head le." Sial lar -_-'''

It's party time tonight =)

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:26 AM on Friday, February 11, 2005