pAmPeR MySeLf

Poor me~~~ I have been so busy with my work that I don't have time to make myself mei mei lor. Come to think of it, there are a whole list of things I got to do wor. I got to make appointments for

  1. Haircut
  2. Manicure/ Pedicure
  3. Waxing
  4. Facial

Oh ya, I got to make appointment with myself to shop for my CNY clothes too. Really is time no enough lor. So in order to manage my time better, I arranged to have all the above done during weekdays after work. Why not weekends? It's because my precious weekends are reserved for my dearest dear dear de *blushed*.

Since I will be starting my Guinness roving this Thursday and the assignment ends next Sunday, which also means I don't have much time left to do all of the above by Chinese New Year, I have decided to take half day off tomorrow afternoon to settle everything. Smart choice right?

Ok lah, I better start calling up and make appointments le. Tomorrow is the day I gonna pamper myself! Yeah~~~ *wink* Please don't envy me,ok? Kekeke...

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 1:01 PM on Tuesday, January 25, 2005