wHeRe iS MaMa'S bOy?

"She bangs!! She bangs!!..." *Images of William Hung dancing and singing the song during the audition for American Idol appeared*

Hmmm, you all must be wondering why the above title for my post today. Well, the title originated from the movie I watched with my dear dear des last night. William Hung was one of the actor who co-starred in the movie Where is Mama's boy. Why we chose to watch this movie out of so many others? The reason sibeh simple lor. There isn't other choice le. For your info, there were only about 8-10 people in the movie theatre lor. I even heard the movie ushers counting the no. of people watching the movie. Sibeh bei ai sial.

Anyway, dear dear des and myself were praying that it will not be a boring show and heng ah~ it turned out to be quite funny lor. Well, this movie is worth a watch if you just wanna relax back and enjoy. Don't be prejudiced just because William Hung is acting. Show support to other actors and actresses also mah.

Well, let me share with you all something funny from the movie. William Hung was singing a Cantonese song titled "Sao Bing(hot biscuit)". And the pronunciation of the "Sao Bing" in cantonese sounds like She Bangs. Sial lar, machiam cantonese version of Ricky Martin's She Bangs. I shall not say more if not it will not be funny when you all watched the movie. Enjoy the movie with an open mind.

It's Friday again and I am thankful for it. As usual, I will be heading down to Devilsbar tonight not only to party but with a mission. The mission is *drumroll* ....... to celebrate Uncle Simon's belated birthday!!! Eh, why belated because we didn't notice. Anyway, it's gonna be a fun and crazy night at Devilsbar again tonight. Lastly, may all of you have a great weekend ahead!!!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 9:10 AM on Friday, January 07, 2005