MuSiC uNdErGrOuNd oN NeW yR's eVe

Well, I am finally back at work after three days of MC. Feeling much better now but still got a bit of cough. Work is piling up damn high on my desk until my colleagues can't see me. Eh, a bit kua zhang but really got a lot of work to do. Ok la, I cannot afford to be lor soh.

Here are the photos taken on New Year's Eve when I was working at Music Underground. Enjoy~~~

Me in Guinness Uniform. Stylo boh?

Me and Fanny, a sweet looking girl I know at Music Underground.

Me and Grace's friend. Eh I forgot his name le.

Grace and her friend. Erm, I still can't recall his name.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 12:53 PM on Thursday, January 06, 2005