mY CoUnTdOWn fOr 2005

Today is the third day of the first month of year 2005. I have been partying and enjoying myself so much during the last few days till I got absolutely no mood to work lor. Sianz...

Ok, so now let me update you people what I have been doing since Friday 31 Dec 2004. On my last blog update, I said that I got to work from 7pm to 11pm but it was changed to 9pm till 1am lor. And yes, I didn't get to countdown at Devilsbar again lor. Instead, I countdown to the year 2005 at Music Underground. I was assigned to work there and I was really glad to see Grace and her friends there. Luckily got them around to keep me accompany. I was really very happy and touched when my dearest Des, Apple darling, Max dear and Eric dear came down to Music Underground to look for me. MUACKS my dearest darlings and dears! Oh ya, Music Underground also got played our fav table table song lor. Damn shiok man~ After table table le we chop chop faster take cab to Devilsbar. It didn't got me long to warm up because I was damn high after drinking quite a bit at Music Underground. The feeling was great man~ Lotsa booze, lotsa dancing and lotsa great music blasting in the background. Woohoo!!!

Slept at 7am in the morning and woke up at about 3pm with a bad hangover on Saturday. Not wanting to waste our Saturday staying at home lazing, me and my dear dear Des decided to go Bugis for movies. We called Apple darling, Eric dear and Max dear to join us. After seeing the list, we found out that we had watched almost all of them le. So after some discussion, we decided to go Devilsbar after our dinner. *wink* Most of us didn't enjoyed ourselves enough at Devilsbar on Friday because of my dear dear Des lor. Freaking got drunk and kept saying wanna go home -_-''' So to punish him, he got to go Devilsbar with us again and HE CANNOT DRINK LOR. Hahaha... He only can see us drink. As usual, we danced the whole night lor. Damn shiok!!! Below are some of the photos taken on Saturday.

The three pai kia standing outside Devilsbar

Me and Apple darling

Sibeh steady de Uncle Simon joined us at Devilsbar too

Kelly, Marilyn, Marilyn's bro and Tabby

Me, Kelly, Marilyn and Tabby

Max enjoying the accompany of two pretty ladies

Apple, Kozen, Max and Marilyn enjoying dancing at the bartop

Me and my dear dear Des

After partying at Devilsbar, the 7 of us (Me, dear dear Des, Apple darling, Kozen dear, Eric dear and Max dear) went to have supper together. The seven of us were having a great time enjoying the food and laughter. Being a sibeh steady group, we had decided to meet up in a few hours' time for karaoke session at KBOX. So we all chop chop go home, chop chop sleep, chop chop wake up and then we meet again. Having shouted too much table table on Saturday and a bad cough, I don't have much voice left to sing le. But nevertheless, I still enjoyed myself. Below are the photos taken at KBOX.

Eric and Max

Me and Apple darling

Apple, Max and Me.

A big kiss from my dear dear Des *blushed*

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 1:53 PM on Monday, January 03, 2005