HoW tO uSe mY bLoG

Dear beloved readers, I have no choice but to post a manual on How-To-Use-My-Blog. Now then I realised how come most of you are still tagging in my old blog instead of my new blog. Because you all didn't explore my new blog lor. It's not very complicated mah, dio boh? Anyway, for the benefits of those who do not know how my blog works, here it goes!

  • Click on ME to view my profile, the no. of visitors to my blog, my wishlist, my loves and my loathes.
  • Click on BLOG to read my daily updates of my life and happenings.
  • Click on LINKS to read my friends' blogs and my fav links.
  • Click on OTHERS to tag on my tagboard, read my previous posts and archives.

Hope the above information is sufficient for you people to understand my new blog better. Keep the tag coming in, ya? Cheers!!!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 4:55 PM on Thursday, January 06, 2005