Zi LiAn KuAnGsTeR

It's Friday!!!! Yeah!!! Hurray!!! Well, I am still not sure whether I will be heading down to Devilsbar tonight because I got to wake up freaking early for my photoshoot at Sentosa tomorrow morning. So tonight after work, I got to go back home to pack my clothes for my photoshoot. Maybe I go for a jog after work first. Got to start my exercise regime le. I put on weight again. *sobs* I must achieve one of my New Year resolutions which is to slim down and tone up my body. Tomorrow after my photoshoot, Max dear and Eric dear will be meeting me for suntanning. Suntanning rocks!!! I needed to get my tanned look back lor. Hasn't been suntanning for the past few months due to rainy seasons. So tomorrow I must do a intensive suntanning. *wink* Not forgetting I must get some more new bikinis. Woohoo~~~ Well, due to my busy schedule, I didn't upload any photos for my blog lately. So just now, I took some time to zi lian in the office. Don't sweat hor. Enjoy the series of zi lian photos I took just now. May all of you have a great weekend ahead!!!!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 2:13 PM on Friday, January 14, 2005