WeLcOmE tO a bRaNd nEw YeAr 2007

I know it's a tad too late to wish you all Happy New Year now but it's better to be late than never right? *wink* Well, I didn't really do much since the long holidays started on Friday. Been shopping, eating good food, having lots of beauty sleep, tidy up my bedroom, tidy up my dear dear's bedroom, throw away all the old clothes and shoes, change the bedsheets, having drinking sessions at my dear dear's house with his friends, going for my driving lessons, doing my projects, went to the new IKEA at Tampines and having movie marathons at the comfort of my dear dear's room. It's shiok de lor. With lots of rest during the long holidays, it will allow me to work even harder and longer for 2007. In order not to bore you all with a lengthy update on my first post of 2007, I will hereby wish everybody good health, good fortune, good career and happiness in 2007 =)

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 7:59 PM on Tuesday, January 02, 2007