mY nEw tOy - AsUs NoTeBoOk

My new toy - Asus Notebook

Went to Sitex 2006 at S'pore Expo yesterday. Previously, I have done my research on the type of notebook I wanna buy. Yesterday was to see whether got any extra freebies with the purchase of a notebook. Finally, the one I have been aiming since my research started had a very good deal at the Sitex. So I bought it there and then. Paid $2000 plus and left Sitex with a big hole in my wallet but with a big smile on my face. Am so happy now because I can blog at home at the comfort of my bed. In fact, I am actually updating this post using my new notebook. The specifications of this notebook is really good lor. Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 14" WXGA display, DVD combo, Hard disk 100GB, RAM 2GB, Blue-tooth, Graphic Nvidia GeForce Go 7300 and VGA video camera. With that price I paid, this notebook can last me for pretty long. Ok la. Got to go now. Gonna continue exploring my new toy. Will blog again. By the way, you can check out Kelly darling's blog for the photos taken at Devilsbar on Friday =) I just went for a hair trim at Gorgeous. Ciao!

PS : By the way, somebody out there has been trying to impersonate me by tagging and replying in my tagboard. I do not know who that impersonator is but I know that person is damn boliao lor. So readers out there, be careful when you see the replies. Will change or remove the tagboard soon.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 9:09 PM on Sunday, December 03, 2006