dAy 3 & 4 iN pHuKeT

On our way in the van to the harbour. Drank till 1am the night before, slept at 3am and woke up at 6am to prepare ourselves for the phi phi island tour. See the shagged faces?

Time to set off to phi phi island

Me & Linda on the ferry

A new Australian friend we made on the ferry

Both of us enjoying the sea breeze and the sunshine

Beautiful sceneries captured during the 2 hours long ferry ride

Still enjoying the sea breeze with beautiful sceneries passing behind us

Reaching phi phi island liao....

All these are for snorkelling and diving users de

Time to snorkel!!! It's pretty difficult in the beginning because we kept using the nose instead of the mouth to breathe. Dunno drank how many mouthfuls of the salty seawater lor. But it's worth it because we saw alot of nice lovely fishes and corals. So beautiful...

After snorkelling, we went for our lunch.

After our lunch, we explored the place and came to know that they are rebuilding the village as they were also affected by the tsunami.

Linda relaxing before going for a dip in the water

Lovely beach at phi phi island

I was already very far away from the shore but the water is still so shallow lor. Can lie down somemore. Shiok!

Saw this golden retriever having a good time in the water while his owners were at the other end enjoying too.

The water is so clear

A lovely picture I took. Linda looking out to the sea.

The rocks got sea shelves de wor

We went back to Patong beach for jet-ski on our last day in Phuket. It was a very fun water sport.

We so love water sports and totally enjoyed ourselves in Phuket

After jet-ski and abit of suntanning, we decided to head to MacDonalds for a quick lunch before we went back to our hotel and get prepared to go for a much-needed massage.

On the way for massage liao!

The room where I did my oil massage. It's heavenly man~ Before I did my oil massage, I had an hour's of Thai massage. Woohoo~ Sibeh shiok lor...

Took a picture with the receptionist after my massage.

Lastly, a last photo with my tour guide outside the hotel before we left for the airport.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 12:43 PM on Saturday, November 04, 2006