cAbLe sKiiNg

My Company's Teambuilding event at Batam was a big success. My colleagues enjoyed themselves very much. The bosses sang praises of the great job the recreation committee members have done for the whole event. It's really not easy to coordinate and making sure the event runs smoothly till the end. But after seeing everybody so happy and enjoying themselves, the hard work is worth it. Myself and the other 3 recreation committee members even treat ourselves to a lunch at a Japanese restaurant with the remaining budget. Buay pai hor~

Anyway, after we made sure everybody have gotten their boarding pass to go back to S'pore on Saturday, my 2 colleagues and I went on for Cable Skiing. It's really fun! It's my first time trying and it's really not easy lor. You can go to Cable Ski to find out more about this watersports. The rates are pretty affordable too. Maybe I should arrange to go again with my darlings =) Ok la. I got to go start packing my luggage for my Phuket trip liao. Hurray!!! Phuket... here I come!!!

Before I end my post, I would like to wish my dearest Apple darling Happy Birthday. Although I can't celebrate your birthday for you on the exact day, but I'm gonna make sure you enjoy yourself when we go KL together next Monday, ok? Wait for me to come back from Phuket hor. Let's look forward to our KL shopping cum clubbing trip together! Ai ni orh! Muacks!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 9:29 PM on Wednesday, October 18, 2006