nO bLoGGiNg LoR

Very long didn't blog liao wor. Last time when I have free time in the office, I will update my blog. But now cannot liao sial. Because my company's stupid service provider advised them to block those internet sites. Internet service was so damn slow last week. Machiam using dial-up like tat lor. When my company feedback to the service provider, they zitao said it's because too many users are using web-chats or blogging. They didn't even bother to check what's the actual cause lor. Anyway, now means no blogging in the office. Sianz...

Didn't blog as much lately because as usual I have been busy with work. Today had a meeting with my boss and he want me to be the organiser and coordinator for the coming IT Conference in Delhi. It's not gonna be easy but I will try my best to make it a successful one. I am sure it's gonna be a considered point for my year-end appraisal. I must work hard!

Tomorrow's my japanese language class again. Haven't do my homework and learn the dictation yet lor. So tired sial. I had better go and do my homework now. Ciao!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 9:53 PM on Wednesday, September 06, 2006