i DuN bOtHeR

"I dun bother" is what my dear dear always says when certain things are none of our business. As time goes by, I realised I am becoming more and more like him. Because there are alot of unimportant things or people that I began not to bother so much.

I used to get worried over small matters easily and I get worked up when people commented negatively about me. But now I dun bother.

There are people who just care for themselves, so full of themselves and all they talked about are themselves. This kind of people irks me quite abit lately too. But now I dun bother.

When certain jokes or behaviours are still new and fresh, it can be funny. But as times goes by, such jokes and behaviours become stale. It will only make people feel irritated. Too much of something is really not good. But now I dun bother.

There are people who claimed or craved for fame and attention as if they are some kind of superstar and seem to be proud of it but in actual fact they are nothing close to being famous. But now I dun bother.

There are people who thought they are the sexiest and chioest people who could make any man fall for them and die at their feet but in actual fact they are nothing close to being pretty. But now I dun bother.

There are people who thought they are know-it-all but in actual they are just acting smart. Haven't they heard a hokkien saying,:"Kiang jiu ho, mai geh kiang."? But now I dun bother.

Whether you like me or hate me, say I am fat, say I am ugly, say my bf ugly, say I put on weight, say I am selfish, say I am boring, say my hairstyle sucks, say I damn attitude, say I buay steady, say my dress sense sucks or whatever you wanna say or think about me...

I bOtHeR nO mOrE!!!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 9:39 AM on Wednesday, August 30, 2006