SiNgApOrE iDoL - HaDy MiRzA

I have been catching the Singapore Idol since the 12 finalists emerged. Out of the 12 finalists, there are 2 familiar faces I recognised immediately because I have seen them in Devilsbar. They are Emily Kang and Hady Mirza. Both of them were Devilsbar's live band singers. If you have heard them sing live, you will know how talented they are. They sing really well.

Unfortunately this time round, most Singapore Idol's supporters seem to be supporting the contestants based on looks instead of their singing talents. Even the judges also damn sian when it comes to the Thursday Results Show because those with singing talents are out one by one due to insufficient votes to keep them in the competition. I was thinking if that's the case, then Singapore Idol will have to rename to Mr/Miss Singapore liao.

Now left with 6 finalists, who you all think will get the next Singapore Idol leh? For me, I hope Hady Mirza will get it because not only he have the looks but he have singing talents. But I am not saying the rest of the finalists not good la. Everybody have their choice of supporting their own idol mah. But for me, I will support Hady. Hopefully, the results tonight will not be a disappointing one.

Gonna rush back home to catch the Results Show after my Japanese Language class tonight. Hady gambatte!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 4:32 PM on Thursday, August 24, 2006