sTaY aLiVe

Went to watch the movie "Stay Alive" with my dear dear yesterday at Cineleisure. The movie is about a group of teenagers who possessed a horror survival videogame. They are not supposed to have it but they are unable to resist the temptation to play the game. As they played, they realised they are each murdered in the same method as the character they played in the game. This movie really give you the chills throughout the whole show. Make you damn ganjiong at the same time also lor. Really buay pai. Even if you are not a gamer, you can watch this movie too. It's like you are damn scared to see but still curious to know what happen next. Very nb but horror movies always like that one mah. Haha...

Tomorrow is Monday again. Beginning of a brand new week. How time flies! It's October liao. It's time to review the resolutions I have made for this year and see what have not been accomplished yet. Sang nao jing~ Also don't know why, I have been feeling pretty depressed lately. I don't wish to do anything. I don't wish to see anybody. I don't wish to go anywhere. Everything just doesn't seem to go right for me. It's definitely not PMS. Something is wrong somewhere but I do not know what it is. Life becomes boring suddenly. I am not happy at all. It's time for me to do some soul-searching and reflections. I need to find back my happiness. I need to find back the sunshine girl in me. I need to find back the confident Miko. Wish me all the best.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 9:07 PM on Sunday, October 01, 2006