HaZy MoOnCaKe fEsTiVaL

Happy belated mooncake festival to everybody! This year's mooncake festival is slightly different. We are celebrating with a hazy atmosphere like the Genting Highlands plus the bad burning smell. Oh ya, remember not to eat too much mooncakes wor. Because 1 mooncake = 1000 calories. That's alot can~

Firstly, thanks to those who are concerned about me after reading my previous post. To those people who thought they really know me well just by reading my blog, I just wanna let you know you don't. Don't assume how I lead my life. Even to my friends, they don't really know me very well too. So please for goodness's sake, don't assume my unhappiness comes from my love life. Life is like a bed of roses. Nice to look at but once you pushed things too hard, you will pricked yourself by the thorns.

Bad PMS caused me to be moody. Heavy workload caused me to feel stressed up. High frequency of falling sick caused me to feel weak. Building up of stress caused me to have insomnia. All these added up to a big D = Depression. By writing it out how I felt in my blog it's just a form of relief to the stress levels. Not meant for people to judge me or tell me how my life have changed.

To those who are truly concerned about me, I really appreciate it. I am fine now because the time of the month is over. Stress levels have decreased slightly abit because I have finally registered for my diploma course and have already received the acceptance letter from the school. And the preparation for my company's Batam Teambuilding Outing are mostly done. 6 more days to the Batam's Teambuilding Outing and 12 more days to my Phuket holiday trip! I am so looking forward to my Phuket holiday trip man! The sun, sea and sand!!! Woohoo =)

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 12:20 AM on Sunday, October 08, 2006