wOrK aNd sTuDiEs

Dear all, I know it's pretty disappointing for some of you to come in my blog and still seeing the latest update of my Phuket trip. Sorry wor because I just started my diploma course and trying to juggle my time between work and studies.

Will be having lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays after work, by the time I reach home the only thing I wanna do is have a good bath and a good sleep. Though tiring but I am enjoying every single minute. It's really nice to be back in school. So far no stress lah but I am very sure I will be able to cope de. Always looking forward to my lessons, make sure I do my homework properly and start preparing for my project.

Been trying to upload some photos using Hello but cannot leh. Dunno what happen sial. Do bear with me for the next few weeks for the late updates with no photos. Will be getting myself a notebook very soon =) In the meantime, do check out Noelle or Apple's blog for the photos we have taken tonight when we met up for dinner ba. I just had a new hair colour to complement the nice tan I had. *Time check* Ok people, I got to go and have my beauty sleep liao. Need to attend class tomorrow. Take care and remember to miss me orh =D *wink* Oyasuminasai~

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:25 PM on Wednesday, November 15, 2006