hArDwOrKiNg & HaPpY MiKoKo

Yo people! Here comes the photos which I couldn't upload for the past few days. Or weeks? Anyway, enjoy the photos I have uploaded ba. Not alot but at least can refresh your memory of how I look now just in case you have forgotten *wink*

There's no lesson tomorrow but gonna meet my project mates for project discussion tomorrow after work. After discussion, it will be shopping time! Hurray =) Although I am saving up to get a notebook, but I still can indulge abit and do some shopping to pamper myself. Nice~~~

I had better go and prepare the project materials now. Being busy is really good and I am beginning to love it. Woohoo!!!

My sister is taking the same course as me. Cool isn't it? *wink*

My lecturer asking the class for volunteers to be class reps. Keke... No one moved an inch lor =p

My textbook and writing pad to do my calculations =) Well-prepared leh.

Studious me in specs

My new hair colour to complement my new tanned complexion

Took this photo when we went to Vivocity's Toys'r'us last week. Cute isn't it? I love the child-like side of him *blushed*

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:19 PM on Monday, November 20, 2006