gHiM MoH-iAnS

Last saturday, I went back to my secondary school for the first time after my gradution 8 years ago. The reason why I went back was to have the last look of the school where I studied for 4 years. Ghim Moh Secondary School will be moving out of it's premises to merge with Jin Tai Secondary School and yesterday was a farewell party for ex-students of GMSS.

When I went back, there were several teachers who used to teach me are still teaching in GMSS. Most of them will be moving over to the new school to continue teaching too. Photos of every year's orientations and school activities can be seen as I walked along the corridors. Fond memories of my 4 years in the school slowly appeared in my mind. I went to the classrooms where I used to have my lessons, wanting to take a seat where I used to sit. But too bad, all the chairs and tables had already been removed.

After walking down the memory lane around the school, it's time to assemble at the assembly area to sing for the last time - the school song. It's weird how everybody started to sing when the music started playing because when we were still students, we just refused to open our mouths to sing the school song. Haha... After the school song, everybody took a group photo to end the farewell party.

I am really glad that I went back for the farewell party. I am also proud to be a student of Ghim Moh Secondary School. And I will always remember our school's motto, Strive and Persevere.

My secondary school and my beloved teachers

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 6:30 PM on Wednesday, November 29, 2006