pAsSiOn SyMpHoNy & XmAs GiFtS

My dear dear brought me to Victoria Concert Hall to attend a musical symphony on Saturday. We went there to listen to the music composed by Yasunori Mitsuda. He is one of the most loved video game music composers out there. Some of the music we heard that night composed by Yasunori Mitsuda are the video game music of Chrono Cross and Xenosaga. There's also music from Final Fantasy, Digimon and Super Mario Brothers. It's really cool! The music was really beautiful. They were all played by violin, guitar, piano and percussion. My dear dear and his colleague bought the CDs and had them autographed too. I really enjoyed the night and the beautiful music. See the following photos taken that night ba.

Went to watch Death Note 2 with my dear dear last night. All I can say about the movie was fantastic. The story line and the characters were great! Especially the two actors, Light and Ryuzaki. Their acting skills are really good. For those who haven't catch it, don't miss it. Ok la. Tomorrow got to work liao. Holidays always end so fast de. But it's alright because another long holiday is coming! Hurray!!!

Me and my dear dear at Suntec City Marche, waiting for his 2 colleagues who will be attending the musical symphony too.

Some of the food we had for dinner at Marche. So sinful wor...

Coming to the end of the musical symphony.

So many people queuing up to get autograph wor.

This young guy is Yasunori Mitsuda. The rest are the musicians.

Gerald and Ayako Ishikawa, the violinist.

My dear dear and Ayako.

Christmas pressies I received from my colleagues.

These vouchers were from my dear dear for the anniversary present and Christmas present. It's $700 worth of Robinson vouchers. Shopping time!!!

Bought this Samsonite laptop bag for my dear dear with the vouchers.

This is the Christmas gift I gave my dear dear. Polo Black perfume for men =)

This is the Christmas pressie my dear dear bought for himself. A Samsung 32" LCD TV. So nice can~

This is the anniversary present I bought for my dear dear. A display cupboard for his toys and collections. He so loved it!

His beautiful toys and collections.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:12 PM on Monday, December 25, 2006