HaPpY BiRtHdAy tO mY XiAo mEi

Today is my beloved sister's 23rd birthday. To celebrate her birthday, my mum cooked all her favourite food for dinner just now. It's purely a simple celebration with my family at home. And of course not forgetting the birthday pressie for my sister. Knowing that she's been wanting to have a mp3 player, I bought her the new 1GB IPOD SHUFFLE. The IPOD SHUFFLE is personalised with "JACE 20.12.06" on it. When you order online, there is free laser engraving available. Nice right? When my sister opened the present just now, she was so happy. And now she's busy loading songs to her IPOD SHUFFLE.

This week is a really busy one for me. Monday I took half day leave to go Tuas with my sister to collect her notebook. Yesterday I went to meet my very-long-time-no-meet Flowerpod forum friend, Celia, at Jurong East for dinner. Today got to celebrate my sister's birthday and appointment to do my 3D eyelash extension. (Will try to upload pictures of my 3D eyelash extension soon) Tomorrow I will be meeting my ex-boss for dinner. Friday I will be having dinner cum drinking session cum mini xmas celebration with my Japanese colleagues at a Japanese restaurant. Saturday, my dear dear will be bringing me to Victoria Concert Hall to listen to Passion Music Synphony. Sunday(Christmas Eve), I will have driving lessons in the afternoon. Then at night, my dear dear will be coming over to my house for dinner. That's all for now I think. Gonna sleep liao. Beri tired. Goodnight!

These are what my dear mummy cooked.

This is the birthday card I gave my sister. So pretty hor...

My happy sister when she just received the present from me.

Unwrapping the present.

See the big smile on her face?

The IPOD SHUFFLE very small leh.

Sisters forever!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:45 PM on Wednesday, December 20, 2006