tWo yEaRs aNNiVeRsArY

3 more days to go will be me and my dear dear's 2 years anniversary le. My thoughtful dear dear has already made reservation for dinner this Friday. It's some place where both of us have not been before but it's gonna be a nice. I am so looking forward to this Friday night. Although our love journey is full of ups and downs, but I am just so glad I still have my dear dear by my side till now.

By the way, a little news to share with all of you. My dear dear and I have applied for a flat. Now waiting to hear from HDB whether our application is successful or not. My dear dear and I are starting to plan for our future. It's also time to start saving up for everything le. To start saving from scratch isn't easy but I am sure I can do it de. I just try not to shop or indulge too much lor. I think I should be able to save more de.

Although there's no classes this month, but also not a free month for me lor. I will be going for my TP again in Jan 2007. Then I still have 2 projects to finish up before school starts again. My boss is going back to France for holidays soon so got to book his flights etc. Need to do some Xmas shopping too. Got to meet up with my ex-colleagues for dinner. Schedules pretty packed but am so happy because Christmas is coming! I just so love Christmas. Let's all start counting down ba! =)

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 9:36 PM on Monday, December 11, 2006