PrE-XmAs CeLeBrAtiOn oN fRiDaY

My Christmas celebration started on Friday with my Japanese colleagues in a Japanese restaurant at Millenia Walk. The place was nice and the food was great. All of us had fun chatting, drinking Japanese sake, taking photos, enjoying the food and exchanging Christmas gifts.

After the dinner, I went to St James Power House to meet my dear dear and his colleagues for another round of drinking and partying. Was supposed to go Dragonfly de but in the end we didn't. We went to the one next to Dragonfly but I didn't know what's the name liao. Anyway, it's my first time there. After checking out the place, I know why so many people are heading there to party liao. I did enjoyed myself very much that night. Hehe... I think I should check out Dragonfly real soon. Well, below are the photos taken on Friday. Enjoy! Lastly, Merry Christmas to everybody!!!

Me and Linda reached the restaurant first and started taking photos while waiting for the rest.

The food we had that night. Oiishi!

This little cute jug was used to chill the japanese sake.

Then the japanese sake was poured into this little shot cups.

My japanese colleagues enjoying themselves.

Gift exchange time!

The club we went at St James Power House have special performances de wor. Nice~

Me high on japanese sake and acting kawaii =D

Me and Max

Me and my beloved dear dear

Me and Pang

Me and the very unusual visitor of the night, Dennis

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 3:47 PM on Sunday, December 24, 2006