rAiN DaMpEnS HoLiDaY MoOdS

It's been raining and raining for hours which turned into days. Alot of places were flooded due to the constant downpour, which also dampens the holiday moods of many people. Really damn boring lor. Wanna go out must carry umbrella. Traffic jams plus heavy human traffic. Sang nao jing ah...

Anyway, in order not to further dampen my mood, I made an appointment for my waxing and IPL after work. Did a little bit of shopping after that. Robinsons at Centrepoint is having sale and as usual there's alot of people shopping for good bargains. Since I still have the vouchers from my dear dear, I decided to check out the Robinsons sale with my sister. I only managed to buy a bottle of JaDore perfume for myself lor. It's too crowded and the queues at the cashiers were very long.

After making payment, my sister and I went to Far East Plaza to continue our shopping instead. When we reached there, we were surprised it's pretty quiet. Not much shoppers. We window-shopped for a while, then we headed to Wisma Atria for dinner before going back home. Although it's raining, but there's still alot of people shopping at Orchard. It's Wednesday tomorrow liao. 2 more days and it's weekends again. Hurray!

My new 100ml JaDore perfume

Ayumi-alike fake nails I bought from Far East Plaza. Gonna stick them on before I go party this weekend. Pretty pretty =)

My sister bought one for herself too.

While I was trimming my toe nails just now, my right big toe nail came off. Haiz. Pretty much expected because I damn suay always kerna stepped or kicked at the feet at crowded places. And also because got nail fungus infection before. Came off also good la. Let new nails grow lor.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 12:12 AM on Wednesday, December 27, 2006