PaRtY wOrLd & dRaGoNfLy

Last Friday, I met up with Noelle darling for lunch and were discussing where to go at night since clubbing at Dragonfly with the rest of the darlings were cancelled. So after much discussions, both Noelle darling and I decided to go KTV on our own. Haha... Well, 2 people also can go sing KTV dio boh? So after work, she came to fetch me and off we went to the Party World at International Building for our KTV session. Ju darling came to join us too. Didn't took any photos because we were busy karaoke-ing. Ju darling was in party mode and kept persuading me and Noelle darling to go chiong with her. Seeing the time still early(9pm), we decided to go Dragonfly for a while since Noelle darling wanna check it out too. When we reached there, the queue was still ok. By the time Noelle darling and I left which was about 11 plus, the queue was terribly long for both members, non-members and re-entry. While Ju darling was waiting for her dear friends, Noelle darling and I headed back home. Although it's only for a short while, but we did enjoyed ourselves. Even when we were on our way home, Noelle and myself had a good laugh when something really funny happened. Anyway, below are some of the photos taken when we were at Dragonfly. Enjoy!

Ju darling putting on her fake eyelashes

Me zilian while waiting for her

Noelle darling and Ju darling

Noelle darling and me

Pretty pretty =)

My lovely darlings who simply love to take photos

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:25 PM on Sunday, January 21, 2007