
GSGYMXBG = Gam Sia Guan Yin Mah Xi Bai Gor =Thanks Guan Yin Mah It's Friday =) I know it sounds pretty weird when I directly translate it from English to Hokkien, but I just feel like it because it's weekends again! I have absolutely no stress now because no more driving lessons for me liao. Thanks to those who tagged and smsed to congratulate me =)

Anyway, tonight is party time for me. Wanted to arrange to meet my darlings but Noelle darling will be heading to Malaysia for her D&D. So most probably will meet them next week ba. Today is my dear dear's colleague, Cindy's birthday and she have invited me to her birthday celebrations at DragonFly. I have not been there before so will check it out tonight. Nobody will be driving tonight, so it's gonna be drinking and more drinking. At the same time, I can have a little celebration for myself. I deserve to be rewarded de lor.

If anyone of you are heading down to DragonFly tonight, enjoy yourselves too! May everybody have a great weekend ahead =) Take care and have fun.

PS : A special note to my dearest babe Elaine. I am really very very happy for you that you have found the one whom you love and love you so much. All the best to you and your new-found love. Stay happy and pretty always =)

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 12:24 AM on Friday, January 12, 2007