A pHoNe CaLL aWaY

It's been like 2 weeks since I last heard from my dear friend, Apple. No sms and calls from her. Strange lor. Because she used to call me everyday and share with me her happenings. Haha... How come suddenly no sound no picture(Boh Sia Boh Seet in English)from her? Anyway, I called her just now. The conversation started like this:

Apple:"Good afternoon, who's that on the line."
Me: * -_-''' Sweat in the background* Hi good afternoon. This is Miko speaking."
Apple: *In an super duper excited tone* Hey Yo Miko! How are you?"

I zitao sweat until no sweat to sweat lor. So I asked her where she disappear to. How come no sound no picture from her? She said :"Yah lor. Very busy leh. Thought I die liao ah?" Wah liew. It's not funny at all lor. *Touchwood*

Well, although work and other commitments have kept you busy. But keeping in touch with your beloved friends are just a phone call away. If just now I didn't call Apple, I also dunno she fell down and injured herself at home lor. So kelian lor. But she have her Mr Ng to take care of her. So I no need to worry so much. Keke.

If you have lost touch with some of your friends because you are too busy and have no time, its about time you start calling them now. No matter how busy you are, I am sure you will be able to spare some time to call de.

Cheers to Friendship!!!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 5:40 PM on Tuesday, May 23, 2006