BuSy LoR~

Should I say I am as busy as a bee? Hmmm... I think besides being busy with work, there isn't much interesting thing happening in my life for the past week. Besides going for a manicure session with my sister and going to Devilsbar last Thursday with my dear dear and his colleagues, the long weekend was having our very own movies session at my dear dear's house. In total, we finished like 5-6 DVDs in addition to those showing on TV. Anyway, after this post I also don't know when I can update the blog again.

Alot of things coming up these few months. I have to prepare and coordinate an upcoming workshop cum conference for my department. There's another conference which most likely be held in Delhi will also be handled by me. My boss is going away for his business trips and booking of his flights is giving me headaches because his schedule is packed like sardines and he's still squeezing in more overseas meetings. Two of my colleagues will be going to Bangkok for 2 weeks' training and I have to prepare their training materials by this Wednesday. My TP test is nearing and I have got to go for more driving lessons. So many things to do but so little time. Although I am very busy with work, but I enjoy it because I get to learn alot of things. It's just that when it comes to things that I have not done before but need to complete in a short time, I will feel stressed up lor.

Ok ba. I don't bore you all with my work liao. Me gonna do my mask and sleep early tonight. Oyasumi~

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:12 PM on Monday, May 15, 2006