HaPpY BiRtHdAy mY dEaR pRiNcE

Well, I just reached home not long ago from the date with my dear prince. Both of us had a great time just now. He didn't even know where I am bringing him to when we were in the cab on our way there just now. He kept asking me:"Where are we going? Where you bringing me to?" Being the mischevious me, I replied :"Gonna sell you away lor~." Haha... When the destination got nearer, he also got his long-awaited answer. Knowing his love for food, I had made a reservation for a buffet dinner with The Line at Shangri-La Hotel. They serve great varieties of food and have nice ambience too. All I can say is both of us enjoyed ourselves to the fullest.

Besides this dinner and knowing his love for games, I have also contributed a certain percentage to his new PSP in White as his advance birthday present. Seeing him so happy makes me happy too. At least he got what he want and it's his favourites. Sometimes it's not about how expensive the gift is. It's the heart that counts. Anyway, below are the photos taken just now. Enjoy a nice eye-feasting =)

Pose for a photo first before taking my first bite

Me indulging in my first round of food

My dear dear getting ready to attack his first plate of food le

My dear dear's favourites - Oysters & Cold dishes

His second favourites - Sashimi & Sushi

See my dear dear's expression... He's lost in the world of the sumptuous food

While I enjoy my cup of chocolate ice-cream with M&Ms =)

Does all these make you drool? Keke...

The ever flowing chocolate fountain... Heavenly~

Happy Birthday To U
Happy Birthday To U
appy Birthday To Dear Dear
Happy Birthday To U

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:18 PM on Tuesday, April 11, 2006