BaNgKoK hErE i CoMe AgAiN

Woohoo~ I am so excited and happy because I will be going Bangkok tomorrow le. Though it's my 2nd time to Bangkok but I still feel excited because it's shopping time. Will be there for 3 days 2 nights, shorter than the first time but it's enough for me to indulge myself with the food, shopping and massages. Well, I know it's pretty unsafe to go there now but I am sure it should be fine de. I will also be going to that temple to bai bai the four-faced buddha. Although the statue have been destroyed but it's still open to the public for praying lor. Really need to ask for blessings and po bi everything goes on soon soon li li for me. Things hasn't been going on well for me this year. Gonna take lots of pictures when I am there de. Will update you all when I am back. May all of you have a great weekend ahead. Muacks!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 1:38 PM on Friday, March 24, 2006