BuSy LiFe sTaRtEd

I apologised for not updating the blog as much as before. I have just joined a new company recently and there are a lot of things to get started with. Gonna get used to the new working environment, get to know my new colleagues, learn more about my new jobscope, new office hours and also new office dress codes. Although I am still in the administrative line, but I will be doing more on coordination and contracts. That will require alot of concentration which explains why I gonna sleep early at night. As for new office dress codes leh, well that makes me kinda sianz because I will not be able to wear my favourite tees and jeans on Fridays. That means Monday to Friday must be in proper office attire. And no open toe shoes or sports shoes. Argh! If anyone of you out there are having such strict office dress codes like me hor, do let me know what I can wear on Fridays. Casual but still acceptable. The working hours are from 8.30am to 5pm, but I have to sleep earlier at night because the journey to my office abit mahuan lor. Got to take MRT and a feeder bus in. Quite stress leh. Maybe my previous offices all quite convenient to get there ba, thats why now not used to the office so out of the place. Anyway, I will try to update when I am free. Gonna prepare to go orr orr liao. Goodnight everybody! Muacks!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:21 PM on Tuesday, March 07, 2006