FaT iS a cRiMe mEh?

Fat is the most common word I have been hearing for the past 1 week. Needless to say, I know I am fat and I have become close friends with Ms Fat lately. So what??!!? But no need to rub salt on the wounds by asking stupid and idiotic questions like :"Have you been eating and sleeping alot lately?" If you think I am fat, just say so. No need to go one big round and in the end you just wanna tell me I am fat. What the hell! Go and look yourself in the bloody mirror first before commenting on other people. Nothing good comes out from your mouth whenever you talk to me. Oh, I forgot that you treat me the nicest when it's time to collect money from me. Photos of me will not be posted in my blog from this post onwards until I sever all ties with Ms Fat. I'm gonna do something to shut those idiotic people's mouth off, looked into their eyes and say :"Keep this comment for yourself instead,bitch!"

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 12:48 AM on Tuesday, February 07, 2006