FrEnS 4eVeR - NoW oR nEvEr

Everlasting friendship is hard to come by. Whether by chance or by fate you found one or a group of friends who you could get along with and share similar interests, you should cherish them. They might be the ones who remain by your side till your hair turns grey. Isn't that wonderful?

But no matter how close you are with your best group of friends, there will definitely be some differences. You can't possibly have everyone with the same personalities, right? Even the bestest or closest friends will have arguments now and then. Same theory applies for couples. Quarrels and arguments help to bring relationships and friendships to be stronger. No quarrels doesn't mean perfect relationship. No arguments doesn't mean everlasting friendships too.

To solve the dispute between friends is not about saying who's at fault. But also not forgetting the one who's at fault should apologise for the wrong that had been done. By admitting your mistakes, then you will learn. To solve the dispute, involved parties got to think through what have gone wrong that caused the argument to start. Is it miscommunication? Personalities problem? Ignorance? Or just purely PMS or mood swings?

Today is already the 3rd day of the new year 2006. Think through whatever wrongs you have done in 2005 and ask yourself whether you repeated the mistake or learnt something out of it. Treat those people whom you neglect in the past better. Return those money that you promise to return when you borrow because those money are not meant to be yours to keep. Be sincere to people you meet even if they are nasty to you. Apologise to those people you have wronged. Forgive those people who did you wrong. Learn to share things with others. Appreciate every little thing people done for you. Cherish the people around you. Life is fragile and you never know what's gonna happen the next second, the next minute, the next hour. But at least live life to the fullest and make every single day worth living for.

To my family, even though I was not home at times, but I still do think and care for all of you in my heart. I still love my family very much.

To my dear dear, even though I throw tantrums at times, but you always try your best to keep your cool. I just wanna apologise for the unhappy moments we had for the past year and may more happy moments come our way soon.

To the DB6 darlings, I apologised for being unable to turn up for our weekly gatherings at times. I know it's difficult to meet up for some of us at times because of busy schedules. I also wanna apologise if there's any unpleasant things happened among us without my knowledge. I truly hope this DB6 friendship will last till all of our hair turn grey together. Ai ni men orh~ Muacks!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 9:26 PM on Wednesday, January 04, 2006