Happy Valentine's Day

Tomorrow is a special day for everyone. It's not just a day for couples only. It's a day where you shower lots of love to the people around you like your parents, siblings and your friends. I still remembered buying flowers for my mum during Valentine's Day 2 years ago. Valentine's Day is just a normal day to me. No point being lovey-dovey just for 1 day but the rest of the days are quarrelling or getting upset with each other. If you want, everyday also can be Valentine's Day de. Before I end, I would like to wish everybody Happy Valentine's Day. For couples, love each other like you have never love before and shower each other with lots of love. For singles, don't fret if you don't have someone to celebrate this day with. Meet your friends or get them little gifts to celebrate this day. Or you can have dinner with your family at the comfort of your home. Like I have said just now, Valentine's Day is for everybody and not just for couples only. Enjoy the day and feel the love in the air.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:35 PM on Monday, February 13, 2006