mY pRiNcE iS SiCk

I am sitting in front of the pc, typing this post quietly in the dark, trying not to make any noise in order not to disrupt my dearest prince who is sleeping soundly behind me. He was down with fever since Wednesday and apparantly the medicine given by the doctor didn't help lor. Fever have subsided but he still have a bad cold. His running nose is like the running water from the tap. With constant sneezing and rubbing of his nose, he couldn't sleep well. The only time he could sleep like a baby was usually after his dose of the drowsy flu medicine. So kelian hor~

Seeing him like tat I also can't do much. All I can do are pour him some warm water, cover blanket for him and try patting him to sleep. I just hope he will recover very soon.

As for that job of mine which I mentioned in my previous post, I have decided to leave le. Really no point in staying lor. When you get a job, not only the working environment is important. Colleagues are important too. You spend most of the time in office and it's important to have good relationship with them. Anyway, I will be moving on to a new company on Monday onwards. It's at Tanjong Pagar and the working hours are 9am to 6pm. Good working hours & location. Easy to get lunch and it's cheap. Lastly, office attire is not so strict. Smart casual =)

Ok lah... I better end here. Gonna check on my dear prince le. May all of you have a great weekend!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:32 PM on Friday, March 17, 2006