MeSsY & BuSy LiFe

Really very the long no update blog liao. Have been so busy with my new job and attending useless training not related to my work. Still feeling very stress over reaching the office on time because of the feeder bus I got to take every morning. It's really maddening but bobian. Because of this working location, I have came to realise something about myself. I simply hate taking buses. Working in central or town area is more convenient, I think. It's my 3rd week with the new company but just imagine I have only spoken to 4 people, including my boss. Pathetic right? It's not because I am not friendly or anti-social leh. The people there only talk to people working in their team which consists of 4 people at most. The 3 I talk to are the ones who took me out for lunch on my first day of work and they are the same team as me de. I really cannot tolerate such working environment lor. Sibeh sian. I hate to job-hop but working in this kind of environment for long will make Miko a dull person lor. Don't forget Miko is a happy-go-lucky and sunshine girl wor (Don't puke hor~) I think I just got to bear with it first and wait for better job opportunities to come by ba. Cannot afford to go without a job now because I need money for my driving lessons and saving up for my diploma course. Cham hor~ Ok lah, so long didn't update I don't wanna bore you all with my complains and grumblings. I hope all of you are leading a peaceful and happy life now. Very long didn't meet up with the darlings liao. Tomorrow is Thursday and hope to meet up with them for bitching sessions. I shall end my post here le. Take care everybody! Muacks!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 8:43 PM on Wednesday, March 15, 2006