pOoL pLaYiNg oN SaT

Well, it's an outdated post I know. But at least I tried my best to update when I find time hor. Anyway, I went Hougang with my dear dear to meet Dennis, Eric and Max to play pool last Saturday. The guys were playing among themselves while me and Alicia were having fun on our own at the pool table. I don't lor soh liao. Let the photos speak for themselves ba.

Me & my dear dear before we left the house to meet the guys

The guys showing off their skills & stylo poses on the pool table

My dear dear played pool with the guys until so tired wor

Me & Alicia, who came to join us after her lessons

Went Jalan Kayu for our dinner - Pratas time!

My dear dear’s favourite-Tom Yam Soup

Maggi Goreng for my dear dear

Alicia & her beef nasi brani

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:58 PM on Wednesday, March 08, 2006