I aM bAcK LiAo

Yo people! I am back in Singapore liao. Ya, back since Monday now then update blog. Ji clever yi sia hor~ Touched down at Singapore's new Budget Terminal around 11pm on Monday then zitao faster take cab go home and rest liao. Very tired sial. Haven't even have the time to sort the photos taken in Bangkok. Ever since I came back, I have friends asking me how's the situation over there as some of them will be going there for holidays too. For that few days when I was there, didn't see any riots or demonstrations going on. Everything is like so normal. I still see alot of people and tourists enjoying their time shopping and shopping. I also went to ask for God's blessings and "huan shen" (return God's blessings with offerings) at the famous four-faced buddha temple. It's still open to the public for prayings. Didn't really shop much because the fashion there now is pretty outdated. Only managed to get a few t-shirts, a belt and some pressies for my family & darlings. Most of the money were spent on food and massages. Very shiok lor. Especially the oil massage. Woo~~~ I so missed it man! Anyway, I will try to upload my photos soon. Now gonna keep my dear prince accompany because he will be going to Taiwan on Friday le. I will so miss him. Nitez!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:27 PM on Wednesday, March 29, 2006