mY BiRtHdAy aT cLuB MoMo

Well, all I can say is that I enjoyed myself loads that night at Club Momo. It's really fun although we were not at the usual place, Devilsbar. It's always good to have a change mah, dio boh? Always at Devilsbar also sianz. Anyway, I would like to thank all those who came down for my birthday celebration on Friday. Hope you guys enjoyed yourselves too. Enjoy the following photos while I go and get prepared to go dinner with my beloved dear dear. Have an enjoyable Labour Day tomorrow!

My two secondary school friends, Winnie & Adeline who met me for dinner first before going down to Club Momo

Noelle darling and me

Apple darling and her beloved Lac Lac

These 2 mischievous darlings went to get tiaras for my birthday wor. Noelle darling helping me to put the tiara in place.

3 pretty princesses of the night (Machiam Miss Universe pageant sial)

Applied for Club Momo's membership and got their package for the drinks. All drink until sey lor~

Clyde and me

Very steady de Simon also found his way down to Club Momo for my birthday celebration. Thanks Uncle Simon!

Birthday boys or girls were called up to the stage and I was one of them lor

Waiting for the other birthday babies to come up

Me and my beloved dear dear

Took a group photo first before we cut the birthday cake as Ju, Marilyn and Kelly had to leave early

My heart-shaped birthday cake

Noelle darling feeding me the cake.. Yummy~

These are my dear dear' colleagues who came down to join in the celebration of my birthday. Thanks lots for coming down! Really apptreciate it =)

One of my blog reader who used to club at Devilsbar but was working at Club Momo that night.

This Coach wallet was a birthday present from my beloved dear dear. I love it to bits! Thanks lots my dear! Muacks!

This lovely pendant was a birthday present from Apple darling and Noelle darling. The idea came to them from the Citigems advertisement whereby Fiona Xie and Bai Weixiu gave each other diamonds as gifts from friends. It's so sweet. This is my first diamond and it's my two beloved dearest friends who gave it to me. The size of the carat doesn't matter much to me. It's the heart that counts. Love ya darlings, Muacks!

This Ayumi Hamasaki concert DVD was from Ju, Kelly, Marilyn and Esther. Thanks for the present and also for taking time to come down to Club Momo for my birthday celebration.

My dear dear’s colleague, Cindy, gave this to me. Thanks lots Cindy! I like the earrings alot. Thanks for coming down that night for my birthday celebration.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 3:57 PM on Sunday, April 30, 2006