DiNnEr aT HoT StOnEs

I met up with my ex-admin manager and ex-colleague for dinner last Thursday. They knew my birthday was nearing and decided to arrange for a dinner with me. They called me 2 weeks in advance wor. They asked me to choose what cuisine I would like to have and they will decide on the venue. Anyway, to cut the story short, they brought me to this resttaurant called Hot Stones. The speciality is Grill-It-Yourself. You will order the food you want, and then they will serve it with somewhat like mini teppanyaki with 3 different types of sauces for you to dip after grilling your food. Before I reached the appointed meeting place, they went to the restaurant to leave the surprise there first. See the following photos taken that night to find out the surprise ba.

I ordered Mixed Grill for myself. I simply love meat!

My colleague's seafood deluxe. Yummy too!

I cut the meat into pieces and grilled them slowly

The nice surprise - A birthday cake. They actually arranged the waiter to come out with the cake after we were done with the dinner. When they went to the restaurant to put the cake, the waiter asked my colleague which is the birthday girl. My ex-admin manager told him :"The one with the shortest hair." Haha.. I zitao -_-''' when my ex-admin manager told me that lor. But it's really very sweet and nice of them to plan everything that night.

After the dinner, we went for drinks and continued our chatting

Besides the dinner, they bought me lovely presents too. A Madame Butterfly bag from my ex admin manager, a Mango top from my ex-colleague, a birthday card full of birthday wishes and a lucky ang-bao from my ex-colleague who couldn't make it for the dinner. It's really touching to know that they took efforts to arrange everything despite I have left the company.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 4:30 PM on Saturday, April 29, 2006