DeAr dEaR's cHaLeT

Here are some of the photos taken during my dear dear and his colleagues'chalet since Friday. Although it's really tiring, but it was great fun! I so enjoyed myself man~ Enjoy the photos below ba =)

BBQ time!!!

Here are some of the food we prepared

Smile people!

Me busy bbq-ing the chicken wings

Max is the satay man that night

What fun will there be without all these darlings, right? *wink*

My special guests of the night - Noelle and Jeff

My special guests of the night - Lac Lac & Apple

Game addicts of the night

In the beginning, Apple darling was playing the game with the little boy

After a while, it became like this -_-'''

While Apple was so engrossed in her game playing, me and Noelle took photos & enjoy our Vodka Ribena

Bartender of the night

Happy Birthday Guys!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 8:35 AM on Monday, April 17, 2006