mY nEwFoUnD FaV

Met up with Dennis, Alicia and Max for dinner last night. Another sinful but nice dinner again. Haha... Well, we ordered chilli crabs, black pepper crabs, fried kang kong, "haypoh", stingray and my newfound favourite frogs legs porridge. It's really so nice lor~ Until now I am still craving for the smooth white porridge and the sauce. Heavenly~ Anyway, today is my birthday and I have received several birthday wishes via sms last night. One year older liao lor. Tonight will be celebrating with my beloved parents and siblings =) Happy birthday to ME!

The whole table was filled with yummylicious food, especially the frog legs porridge

My birthday gift from Alicia & Dennis. I like it lots! Thanks =)

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 8:37 AM on Tuesday, May 02, 2006