i LoVe tO PaMpEr MySeLf

As usual, I always look forward to Fridays because the next 2 days are weekends. Alright~ I know I am saying the obvious. But whatever the case, it's always a day where most people would let down their hair and enjoy the coming weekends.

So yesterday, my dear dear brought me to Sketches at Bugis for dinner. Both of us are pasta-lovers mah. At Sketches, we can design our own pasta. I used to go one of their outlet near UE Square whereby they have a Design-It-Yourself pizza. Not bad too. For the pasta, they have 2 different serving sizes. A hungry serving size or a starving serving size. Quite idea hor. The following photos might make you drool a far bit if you have not taken your meals. View at your own risk hor.

Nice garlic bread

Yummylicious tomato soup

My dear dear's Design-It-Yourself pasta. He named is Desmorado

My Design-It-Yourself pasta. I named it Miko =p

My beloved dear dear waiting eagerly for his self-designed pasta

Me feeling happy and pretty on a nice Friday =)

This morning, I met my sister at Compass Point for our pampering session. We made an appointment to pamper our nails. Having been so busy with work, going for manicures and pedicures are one of the ways of relaxing. Both of us did an express manicure and a spa pedicure. Heavenly~ Especially when we were sitting on massage chairs while the manicurists were doing our nails.

This is my manicurist. Very nice and patient.

She's applying the nail colour she chose for me

My sister relaxing herself on the massage chair while reading a magazine.

My beautifully manicured nails. I did acrylic nails and nail-arts for my 2 big toes. I so love it!

After doing our nails, my sister and I went to meet our ex-colleague. She brought her son along too. So cute!

He's hungry wor.

Oops! He knew I was taking his photo but too late to pose.

He started to entertain himself by acting he's talking to his uncle on the phone using his hand

He didn't bother about us and continued self-entertaining himself -_-''' 2 yrs old only lor~

Another way of relaxing is shopping! Below are the damages I have done for the week. But I felt so happy, relaxed and of course pampered =)

Shoes spree at Charles & Keith ;)

A Turquoise bag for office use

Off-shoulder top from Mphosis

Small trendy jacket from Little Match Girl

Culottes from Little Match Girl

Pretty pink lingerie set from Pierre Cardin

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 10:53 PM on Saturday, May 20, 2006