fRiDaY iN oFFiCe

Here are the photos I took on Friday when I went for coffee with my manager during lunchtime and putting up the X'mas tree in the office. With a X'mas tree in the office, you will be able to feel the festive mood. Enjoy the photos ba. I gonna prepare to go out with my dear dear to his uncle's house to celebrate his son's full month le. Have a great Sunday. Ciao!

Went Coffee Club for coffee after lunch with my manager on Friday

I ordered Oreo Frappe for myself... So sinful but very nice~

X'mas is coming and it's time to put up the X'mas tree

Start putting up the decorations slowly

Me helping my manager with the X'mas tree too

Clumsy me dropped the bulb on the floor... Oops!

My manager putting up the coloured stars on the X'mas tree

Final dressing up for the X'mas tree =)

Finished le~ So nice hor... I so love X'mas!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 1:27 PM on Sunday, November 13, 2005