dAy tHrEe iN tAiWaN

Just came back from Zion Road (My dear dear got a $10 fine too - Refer to Noelle's blog for more story & pictures) after having dinner with Apple darling, Noelle darling and her hubby. Asked Apple darling to help me buy a four-leaf clover lucky charm for me. Well, my luck hasn't been very good lately. It's really very nice of her to get the four-leaf clover keychain for my dear dear too. Muacks! =) Ok lah, gonna head to bed le. Before I end, I wanna wish Apple darling a great start for her new job tomorrow. All the best and gambatte!

My dear dear playing his precious PSP again while we were on our way to the next destination in the morning

He tried taking a photo of both of us but failed

I tried and succeeded *proud*

This is the entrance to a hotel named Grand Hotel.

This Grand Hotel looks really very grand hor? No wonder called Grand Hotel lah.

Closer look

Didn't manage to go inside the hotel to see see look look so took some photos outside instead.

We had our lunch at Taiwan's Ding Tai Feng

The famous tang bao~

Went to Martyr's Shrine to take pictures of the ceremony of the changing guards at hourly intervals. There are 2 guards outside and they really cannot move in inch one leh. Even they wanna blink their eyes but minimize the blinking movement. Damn cham sial. This reminds me one of Mr Bean's episode where he disturb the guard with the teddy bear.

The ceremony of changing guards start liao...

They got to march all the way to the building in front and the tourists all follow behind trying to imitate the way they marched. I dunno how to explain but the way they march damn funny lor.

So while waiting for the guards to march their way back, me and my dear dear start to zi lian

Finally gam wan march out liao -_-

Before they go up and get into their position, they got to do some rifle tricks first.

Me outside the National Palace Museum which houses the largest collection of priceless Chinese pieces of art collected over many centuries by Chinese emperors and royal families

Me took a pic with the statue of Kong Zi hoping that he will bring me some luck when I start my studies next year.

Shilin Market here I come!

Ordered mee sua with oyster and my dear dear's favourite pig's blood

Oyster omelette

Chou Dou Fu (fermented beancurd)... So nice!

I am so happy to be at Shilin Market... Got so many nice food!

I love Hao Da Zha Ji Pah!

This shop sells duck heads, duck livers, duck hearts, duck wings, duck legs and more. They are practically selling every edible part of the duck.

My dear dear bought some to try. He loves to try new things, unlike me.

The puppies are all so cute. How I wish I could bring one back~

Do not lick the hand to the dog -_-''' Simi ang moh lai eh..

Games the taiwanese play in the night market

So many people playing... What game are they playing sial?

Photo Hunt -_-''' They used photos of naked women lor.

Wah sey, got miko shop in Taiwan leh~

Shopping time!

"Siam ah, siam ah..." The unlicensed sellers packing up their stuff quickly after hearing news of police coming their way. Well, these sellers are very persistent. After the police are gone, they come back again. This can go on for like 5 times at least. Unpack, pack, run, unpack, pack, run... -_-''' Tired sial.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:25 PM on Sunday, November 06, 2005