dAy tWo iN tAiWaN

Nice scenery from our hotel room in the early morning

Me just took a nice warm bath and came out to the balcony to have some morning fresh air

First stop of the day was to this grand and gigantic temple which took 10 years to finish building

The tree trunk so cute hor~

Strike the bell to improve our luck =)

The Buddha statues in the temple

Zi lian time~ *smile*

My dear dear's turn to pose... Cool man~

Me buying some peanuts back for my parents. Not ordinary peanuts wor. It's called "Hei Jing Gang" aka Black Warriors. The nuts inside are black in colour de. Very nice leh~

This is our 2nd stop - Wenwu Temple. It actually collapsed after an earthquake and it's still undergoing reconstruction

My dear dear rest his tired legs by sitting on the marble chair. Very solid and cooling one leh~

The nice scenery from the temple

Next place we went was Sun Moon Lake where we saw the beauty of the lake and mountains

Visited a Lingzhi shop. They sell Lingzhi & deer's foetus as some kind of health tonics. Well, it's damn expensive lor. The Lingzhi costs at least NT 12,000 (SGD 600) -_-''' .

After the introduction(sales talk) on the Lingzhi, all are welcome to try on their tribe's costumes and take photos =) Free one wor~ Keke...

The next place we visited was a factory selling liquors and wines produced in Taiwan

After visiting so many places, we finally checked into our another accomodation for the night. It's called Europe Style Homestead and located high up the mountains. The place is even cooler than Genting Highlands.

The scenery outside was beautiful. It's not haze hor. It's the cool cool mist.

Scenery from our room

I love the room! It's so cozy~

Got 2 queen size beds wor~

Got big big TV wor~ Oh ya, the room don't have air-con de because the weather there is freezing cold.

Sial la, the bathroom essential items pierre cardin one sial~

Our dinner - Every dish tastes so nice... It's all the village dishes - Jia Siang Cai.

My dear dear and his forum friend. So qiao hor~ We are all in the same tour group.

Due to the cold weather, we got hungry easily. So, we ate the Taiwan's instant noodle bought from the 7-11 while watching HBO. Shiok!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 4:47 PM on Saturday, November 05, 2005