dAy oNe iN tAiWaN

Here comes some of the photos taken during my holidays in Taiwan. Well, lots of photos were taken during the whole trip and I need time to sort them out. So what I did was to upload the photos day by day starting with Day 1. This holiday to Taiwan was really fun and fulfilling. Didn't shop much though. It's eating, eating and more eating. So many good food there, how can miss sial? I don't lor soh liao. Here comes the photos taken on our 1st day in Taiwan.

We had BK breakfast at the airport before we depart for Taiwan

Both of us are in the plane le. So excited!

Dear dear brought his precious PSP to keep himself occupied

I got nothing to do so I just look outside at the nice blue sky with fluffy clouds

Reaching Taiwan liao...

Eh, saw this when we reached CKS airport. General garbage = yi ban la ji -_-''' direct translate sial

Our first stop was to Neiwan, a little village

The street with rows of stalls

They just leave the stock outside the shop lor. Not scared kerna stolen sial

Shared a bowl of soupy noodle with my dear dear. Very oily wor~

A stall selling Taiwan sausages

Me waiting under the hot sun for the sausage I ordered.

Took a pic of my dear dear before he take the 1st bite of the sausage. Keke...

A big bridge at Neiwan. The river below are dry de.

Took a picture before we go to the next location

My dear dear tried this when we reached Fengjia night market.

Dear dear buying the milk tea for me. Wah liew, their pearls like mian lui one leh... put alot sial.

Taiwan got alot of such game shops. Almost every corner got one lor. Mostly are those lucky catch machines and really got people play one. Such machines are not so popular in S'pore lor.

Saw 1 machine got Naruto anime characters and 1 group of youngsters were trying their luck. Each try is NT10(abt $0.50) and they tried twice and won about 6.

My dear dear gave it a try too.

Failed on our 1st try and the group of youngsters volunteered to help us. But in the end, they also failed to catch any for us =(

Not in our itinerary, the tour guide brought us to see Bing Lang See Si. Woohoo! Her little brand name for the shop is Qi Nian Ji Shen.

The Bing Lang shop

Me and my dear dear took a picture with the young and pretty Bing Lang See Si. She's wearing only bikini wor.

These are the complimentary Bing Lang from our tour guide. 2 words. Not nice.

See my dear dear's facial expression you will know how not nice it is liao.

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 11:15 PM on Wednesday, November 02, 2005