cOw cAr wAtEr

Just came back from Chinatown with my dear dear. Didn't expect to see so many people there during weekdays wor. I think alot of people are doing last minute shopping, that's why gonna get the things during weekdays ba. Queued up with my dear dear for about 20-30 mins to get the Lim Chee Guan bak gua. If we were to buy them nearer to the Chinese New Year, I think got to queue up to 2 hours plus liao. I shall stop my update here le. Enjoy the photos ba.

People mountain people sea at Chinatown

Me in my new hairstyle(or should I say the same old short hairstyle?)It's back to short hair because too many people are spotting the same bob or concave hairstyle now.

A very delicious beef hor fun my dear dear ordered for me.

My dear dear ordered fried rice for himself. It's nice too.

While walking along the many stalls selling Chinese New Year goodies, we saw this stall selling Mala fishballs and bought some to try. Oiishi!

Lastly, this photo was taken with my two darlings Noelle and Ju when we went for ktv-ing last week.

Before I end this post, are you able to guess what this is? But no prize for correct answer =P Dunno what it is? Scroll down for answer ba.


This is a feet warmer my dear dear bought for me when he went Hong Kong a few months ago. It really keeps me warm when I am in the office =) Thanks lots my dear!

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 9:59 PM on Wednesday, February 07, 2007