sChOoL iS gOoD LeH

School started on the first week of Jan at the new campus. One of the projects was done and submitted liao. Another one still doing and submission is in 3 weeks'time. But so far I am still coping well. Took some photos in class just now with my sister while we were waiting for lesson to start. Heez... Quite boh liao but need to keep ourselves entertained sometimes mah. Anyway, tomorrow I will be going to St James Power House with Darling Noelle and Darling Ju. I simply love Fridays!

Some lovely items I bought lately =) Wanted to get a red patent bag but didn't see any nice one. If anyone of you saw any nice one, let me know ok? =)

A lovely necklace with 3 hearts which consists of silver, gold and rose gold

A lovely charms bracelet

A pair of wedges of my favourite colour red =)

Sign Off With Lotsa Hugs & Kisses
At 12:10 AM on Friday, January 26, 2007